18 September 2022
Single Driving World Championships: Saskia Siebers and French team World Champion!
This afternoon Saskia Siebers created history in Haras du Pin. She extended her world title. It is the first time in single driving history that the same driver has won the world title twice.
Photo: Melanie Guillamot
Saskia drove a text book perfect cones course. After number 11 she had an extra twist on her way to gate 12, as a result of which she crossed the finish line a fraction too late and received 0.03 penalty points. Marion Vignaud started after Saskia but succumbed under the pressure. After two balls had rolled, the last gate also had to suffer and that was just too much. She sank to the silver. Kelly Houtappels also left all the balls up and only received a 2.9 penalty for exceeding the time. That was enough for the bronze medal.

Saskia Siebers in the cones course
Photo: Melanie Guillamot
French team wins gold
In the Nations Cup classification, the French did not give up their enormous lead. They won the gold. Eline Houterman drove a beautiful clear cones course within the time limit. With the 0.03 from Saskia Siebers, the silver was secured for the Netherlands. Germany won the bronze.
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Photo: Melanie Guillamot
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