20 June 2018
2021 World Pair Championships in Kronenberg
The FEI, the international governing body for equine sport has awarded the 2021 World Championships for Pair Horses to the organizing committee of the competition in Kronenberg, The Netherlands. This is the first time in the history of the driving sport that a World Championship for Pairs will be organized in the Netherlands.The awarding of the World Championships to Kronenberg is great news for Dutch driving. Maarten van der Heijden, KNHS director for elite sport is enthousiastic. ” An international championship in your own country is always good for the sport. The Netherlands is a leader in the driving sport, but in the last few years our pair drivers have failed to reach the podium. Right now there is hard work being doen behind the scenes to make changes that will produce better results over the short term. A World Championship in your own country stimulates both the drivers and the trainers. The organization in Kronenberg is extremely driven and professional and we expect to hold a beautiful championship.”
Other Championships
The grounds of Grandorse in Kronenberg is going to be host to a number of championships in the coming year(s). This year, the World Championships for Single Horses and Para-driving will be held 28 August to 2 September and in 2020 the World Championships for Four-in-Hand horses will be held from 31 August to 6 September.

Photo: Krisztina Horváth