7 September 2024

World Championships Szilvásvárad: Boyd Exell takes the lead

Amid huge interest from an estimated 20,000 to 25,000 spectators, Boyd Exell took the second phase, the marathon, to himself today in a very warm Szilvásvárad. He leads proudly after the first two phases.

Chester Weber, who won the dressage yesterday, announced that he was going to do his utmost to enjoy his leading position for as long as possible, but Boyd also told that he had no intention of handing over victory on a silver platter to anyone.

Boyd Exell
Photo: Martin Dokoupil

Tough marathon

And such a day it turned out to be. Boyd drove clear, fast and in beautiful flowing lines in four of the eight obstacles to the first time. German driver Michael Brauchle set the best time in the remaining four obstacles. His horses gave everything, but in the last two obstacles they seemed lacking stamina and Michael could no longer set top times and finished third.

IJsbrand Chardon his horses also seemed completely empty in the heat of the day in the last three obstacles, but Bram’s horses stayed fresh until the end. Only in obstacle 7 did he not finish among the top six drivers, leaving him behind Boyd in a fantastic second place in the marathon. Koos de Ronde drove varying times: in five obstacles he drove absolute top times, but two obstacles did not run. In obstacle s7 he even stood still for a moment within the obstacle.

Chester Weber drove for what he was worth and grew in the obstacles. Three obstacles were top 10 listings and he finished 11th, but he could not prevent Boyd Exell from taking over the lead with resounding figures. He is now second in the intermediate standings and has more than four points to defend on Bram Chardon who is third in the intermediate standings.

Glenn Geerts also drove a formidable marathon. He finished fourth in the marathon, moving up to fourth place in the intermediate standings. In the cones, he has just under six penalty points to make up on Bram Chardon to end up on the individual podium.

Glenn Geerts in obstacle 8

Three drivers out of the competition

Unfortunately, three teams are out of the competition. Czech Jiri Nesvacil Jr had to stop from the judges because one of his horses was not fit, and Swiss Jérôme Voutaz turned over in obstacle two. Christoph Sandmann himself quit the competition after one of his horses slipped after the second obstacle.

Netherlands leads Nations Cup

Australia had to cede the leading position in the Nations Cup to the Netherlands. Although Boyd’s teammate Tor van den Berge drove a neat marathon, he was not fast enough to keep Australia in first place. The Australian two-man team is still just ahead of Germany, which is now in third place. Belgium is in fourth place and has 13 points to make up to get on the podium.

Click here for the results, starting order and the link to the live stream

Click here for the photo album (to be completed)

Many spectators!
Photo: Nanda van der Burgt

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