25 July 2013
World Pairs Topolcianky: Record number of competitors
With only 5 weeks to go before the FEI World Pair Driving Championships in Topolcianky, Slovakia, from 28 August to 1 September 2013, the event is looking at a record. Seventy-eight competitors from 23 nations will be represented at the wonderful site of the National Stud Farm Topolcianky. From these 23 nations, 21 will be represented with a team, existing of two or three competitors.
Topolcianky is looking forward to welcoming top drivers from Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Spain, Denmark, Estonia, France, Great Britain, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden and the USA.
The nominated entries include eighty-nine competitors and 340 horses from the above- mentioned countries. These drivers and horses are all qualified to compete and have expressed their interest to compete at the World Championships. According to the FEI rules however, each National Federation can send a maximum of four competitors with a maximum of three horses per competitor with the definite entries. Until the definite entry date on 5th August 2013, all nominated drivers and horses will therefore have to do their best to make the definite selection of their National Federation.
More information about the ticket sales and hotels can be found on the dedicated website of the FEI World Driving Championships for Horse Pairs in Topolcianky: www.chmtopolcianky2013.sk