5 oktober 2014
Massive renovations at the Lipica Stud farm
Massive renovations have begun at the Lipica Stud farm, which in addition to annually hosting a CAI*** will in 2017 be the setting for the World Pairs Championships.On Tuesday, September 16, construction began on the roof of the “na Borja?i” stable complex, which marks the beginning of the biggest and most significant renovation project of the Lipica Stud Farm in the past decade. The renovations, in addition to the roofing, will also feature interior updates to the ‘Anniversary stable’, the smaller ‘Stable no. 2’, and the ‘New Stable’, which will modernize the complexes and maximize animal comfort. The grounds around Lipica will also get a new look with renovations to the ‘Avenue of Trieste’ and the ‘Hof courtyard’ which is adjacent to the manor house at Lipica, reportedly one of the oldest preserved buildings in the area and the Velbanca stable which has housed the stallions of Lipica since 1703.
The project, which is to be completed in mid-December, will cost a total of one million euro. Lipica has received 850,000 euros in funding from the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Slovenia will finance the balance of the project.