7 augustus 2014
Kisber: de ideale voorbereidingsplaats voor het WK enkelspannen
Everyone is getting ready for the Single Horse Event of the year in Izsák Hungary!Izsák is located close to Kecskemét on the M1/M0/M5 motorways. As you cross the border into Hungary on the M1 motorway you will drive through Kisbér and the Jámbor Vilmos Carriage Driving Centre, the host of many international competitions, training camps and events.

International single driver Jámbor Vilmos, his sister Jámbor Noémi and Pille Riin Roosileht would like to open their doors to all drivers travelling to Hungary. From the 1st of September 2014, the Jámbor Vilmos Carriage Driving Centre can be utilized to acclimatize horses, as a rest stop or as a training camp.
Click on the image to see the full PDF with additional information & contact details